It’s really all we have… the “Moment”. Think about it, the past is only a mental memory and the future is speculation manufactured by the mind as well. This “present moment” is where it all happens. If we master the “Moment” everything else falls into place naturally. There are 4 keys to mastering the “Moment”, four compelling qualities that can help to insure marketing and sales success or at least the best possible outcome.
1) Passion: Passion for your product or service, passion for your company and/or passion for what you are doing. It can be any of these or all. Be careful on this one, because you can’t fake passion. Passion is more than intensity and enthusiasm, passion is an undeniable love for something.
2) Honesty: Honesty is not a lost art. Honesty is in our true nature and honesty in the “Moment” is a breath of fresh air. It brings down barriers and builds long-term trust in relationships of all kinds. Honesty is a spontaneous commitment to truth in all situations that come at you. Sometimes it can be painful in the short-term but the truth always pays dividends in the long run.
3) Vigilance: Vigilance in the “Moment” is the silent witness of clarity. Vigilance allows passion and honesty to flourish while keeping thoughts of past & future in perspective as points of reference only. Vigilance keeps you present and sharp.
4) Presence- Presence is total openness to all and anything that comes at you in the “Moment”. Presence absorbs and is always open the problems that come up, the good, the bad, the happy and the sad, the challenges, the disappointments. Presence armed with Vigilance, Honesty and Passion allows clarity in thought and clarity in decision making.
Marketing In The Moment (Consciously) simply means being present. And in the truest sense, the “present” is the gift.
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